Today: IAF takes a step back, and starts from the beginning: the philosophies of organic/biodynamic/no-till farming begin with good soil husbandry. Natural
cycles. Updates on crop losses in Norway, Germany, Indiana.
BOOK of the DAY: The Self-Sufficient Gardener (John Seymore, 1980)
$16 —
ITEM of the DAY: Grodan 1″ cubes, used for aquaponic/hydroponic starts:
$16 —
Show notes on wiki:
3. Special: Intro to Self Sufficient Gardening: Natural Cycles and Soil – 12:43
SIX RULES of organic philosophy according to John Seymour’s 1980 “Self Sufficient Gardener”:
1. Work with, not against, nature.
2. Nature is diverse; so too must we practice diversity.
3. Must husband other forms of life in environments as close as possible to those in which that life evolved.
4. Must return to the soil as much as we remove/harvest from it (law of conservation I’d energy at work)
5. Feed the soil, not the plant
6.must observe nature as a whole, never any single part of it.
4. Community Feedback 38:36
– addition to the potato towers / tires in garden
added to:
– note on plague
– wood gasifier
added to:
Send your questions, suggestions, ground reports to
5. Grand Solar Minimum News 43:52
“Worst flood South Asia has seen in decades.” 24 Million affected by flood now
Fungus making leaves change/drop, even in August
(if it IS a fungus, this is an effect of the wet summer, thanks to GSM.
if it’s not, then the leaves are changing/dropping too early, fall coming soon.
either way, this is due to the changes in the sun’s output, and concerning).
Norway’s farmers’ harvests PITIFUL
Just as David Dilley described, cooling/warming start from the poles, moves inward.
Makes sense to see it there first, although:
Gerd and Olaf have been farmers for almost 40 years. They have never experienced a worse summer.
“The animals do not want to go into this shit either,” says Olaf. “And if they go, their teats get dirty, and then milk quality can be a problem.”
Plant Hardiness maps (via Bob Felix,
Straight from the USDA’s mouth, zones are shifting — it’s getting colder.
Popocatepetl volcato erupts during Solar Eclipse
Translation of article on Solar Grand Minimum we’re experiencing:
Other headlines, not covered in Podcast (focus on solutions):
record cold in Russia,
the snowfalls in Canada (not at elevation),
noctilucent clouds over England
— these and MANY, MANY more,
6. Crop Focus: Peas (47:53)
Nitrogen-fixing, great for microgreens, super easy to grow to seed.
Today: blackberries, climate as a factor in the decline of the Roman Empire (and ours!), Lucifer heatwave vs. August snows, and whether a cow makes sense for a self-sufficient property, in Ice Age Farmer Ep #7!
Ice Age Farmer Ep #7
IAF007: 8/4/2017 — Full Moon Show!
Mapping a path forward to prosperity, building resilient communities; sharing knowledge in the GSM
1. Daily Steps: folks from IAF community share experiences, lessons, and progress towards food security
A few folks starting moringa, glad to see.
Great Laker: successfully merged five young pullets in to a coop of older hens and they are all getting along, ( harder than it sounds) I sewed a bunch of gauze (tule) bags and put them over my heirloom pepper plants to keep them from cross pollinating. I did some cleaning in my greenhouse of the stuff left behind from growing seedlings earlier. The rest of the day I sat around watching youtube videos, especially ones about raising rabbits. A project maybe for next year.
Rockers 78: put terraced shelves along the afternoon sun side brick wall with 5 shelves and grew different veggies on each shelf, trying something new. You would be surprised on how much food one needs to grow to support a family. I would recommend to grow 60% of whatever grows well for you, that you can trade others who garden
Jim: attempting to build with
Me: blackberries. scratched all over, fingers are purple. need more, they go fast on my son’s pancakes
ton of starts in the AP
Moringa — the two biggest were getting some spots, leaf rot. may be that had been watering from above, saw a mold that can result. did repot them, both in one huge pot — mistake?
Moved the two dwarf moringa starts in high-intensity lighting zone, since they’re struggling
IAF advisory: don’t use 2″ nft
2. “Ice Breaker”: history section
Solar Hibernation responsible for the decline of both the Roman Empire and the modern West ?
By Dr. Sam Khoury
3. NEWS:
Snow in Colorado:
We failed to bring the heat:
also tons of pipes
Our infrastructure simply will not keep up.
DATA: Entomologists warning pests are more dangerous due to cool weather:
“Planting dates were late in many areas and cool weather has slowed plant growth, leading to delayed maturity in many areas. These late maturing crops may remain vulnerable to pest injury longer than usual,”
LUCIFER Heatwave — the lightbringer. 50C/122F – issuing WARNINGS across S. Europe. > 40’C, wildfires sparking, evacuations
GERMANS more afraid of climate change than terrorism / mass immigration:
PETS NEED TO GO, according to Prof. Greg Okin, UCLA, they produce too much CO2!
Haxton, CO on 8/2/2017:
Los Angeles Beaches closed by LIGHTNING:
People, cars rescued after flash flood sweeps through Flint area
4. Questions:
Zach: how to inform others, it sounds crazy to them, they don’t believe it, i don’t want them to think i’ve gone insane
great question. can only share as much with someone as they are willing to hear. but do that!
the important part is that WE ALL SHARE THIS INFORMATION — when people hear a little bit from 3 different directions, they start to pay attention, and will TURN ON and investigate themselves
that is among the reasons i do this show.
it’s not until they TURN ON that they can be receptive, it’s just the way it is
I’m empathetic person,
I’ve been thinking a lot about this as well, because there’s a huge component of GRIEF
Grief’s first stage is denial.
Denial is supported by the MEDIA, who are also DENIAL, and in fact FULL FORCE AGENDA WARMING
why grieve? for the future we no longer have, for our children, for the ability to live in the reality that everyone else around us still is plugged into; it’s a matrix moment
why fear? for loss of abundance, food, water, loss of civil society and physical security, famine/war, the cryptocratic state using hunger to control people, …
can be helpful, to write or enumerate, as i just did: write down what’s been lost, or what you fear
then do the same for what we can celebrate:
collapse of the absolutely, perfectly corrupt economy
demise of anyone who watches reality television
a return — a requisite one, but a return nonetheless — to living in harmony with nature, and human community
a rebirth
hold these things close.
Back on grief/denial :: it’s really important to wake up each morning and “set an intention,” remind yourself of your own conclusions and convictions, and follow through on acting on them, throughout the day.
I really feel for all of us, who are gaining this knowledge, and really celebrate those of us who integrate it into their life, and make positive changes.
these are hard conclusions, but they are supported by hard data.
as for continuing to appear sane to those around you, i’ll offer you F Scott Fitzgerald:
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. F. Scott Fitzgerald
with that, Ep 8 IAF, Mapping a path forward to prosperity through resilient, self-sufficient communities; sharing knowledge in the GSM
Also mentioned: HeartMath’s research into heart/ANS synchronization with Geomagnetic Activity:
3. NEWS:
SPACE LIGHTNING over Australia (7/19):
3 Volcanoes on first day(s) of August: #Sinabung (#Indonesia), #Poas (#CostaRica), #Sheveluch (#Russia)
213 Gujarat (West India) — we tend to focus on the human aspects, but the CROP LOSSES are huge here as well
Australian Weather Bureau found to be FALSIFYING CLIMATE DATA, just the latest fraud:
Eight degrees of cooling magically disappears
Study finds [more!] evidence that the Sun is externally powered, electric universe:
WINTER ALL OVER THE GLOBE — adapt 2030’s latest:
4. Questions:
(a) “Ethan Asher” writes in:
Is home owner ship the only way to start preparing for what’s coming. I ask because a lot of the hydro/aqua ponics set ups I’ve seen don’t seem feasible in a 2 bedroom apartment.
“Max Smith” nails it!
Apartment living is perfect because now you will have to overcome many limitations of your living space to grow food. What you learn in the overcoming is going to be your best harvest. Get started–please.
Adding to that, on two fronts:
1. skills. become valuable to community. imagine food pouring forth from your hands with ease, under any number of conditions. become that person.
look into urban farming, urban homesteading, and urban prepping.
(b) Back to Paul D, where do I start with my new property?
I want to throw this out to the audience — what are your favorite sources for picking up new sustainable practices?
My 2c, consider: PDC. philosophies
Also: urban farmers, Growing your Greens, have lots of videos, good understanding of how to fit good growth in small space
Library: old books: encyc of country living, catalog of mother earth news. Lots to learn, these will give you giblets, hints at directions to try.
Jack Spirko survival podcast, knowledgable guy, great community of folks, expert council — inspiration for this show.
Ice Age Farmer Podcast Ep #5: Great Famine of 1315, Grand Solar Minimum news, the Bitcoin “fork,” goats, chickens, peppermint, a hydroponics failure, and more! Feedback/questions:
IAF005: 7/29/2017
Mapping a path forward to prosperity in an uncertain future.
1. Daily Steps
– Jhere McKenzie: growing sprouts, enjoying the addition of raw living food, and resulting energy!
– Cheryl writes with some terrific information on goats: Nigerian dwarf, pygora, LaMancha. and Icelandic chickens!
Peppermint problem!
Hydroponics failure: 2″ NFT outgrown by kale!
2. “Ice Breaker”: history section
– IAF is available on iTunes:
and on Stitcher:
3. NEWS:
Turkey, 10cm (4″) diameter:
Plane nose collapsed by hail:
“Freak” Italian hail storm in late July:
115,000 dislocated people in Myanmar:
110″ of rain, 4 days, India:
Nevada receives 2ft (60cm) !!!! in the Elk Ridge:
Ray Kraft: we may need tens of millions of Greenhouses:
Low yields:
Partly due to drought in the dakotas:
Study: there is NO RESILIENCE in current agricultural system:
4. Cryptocurrency: bitcoin advice pre split
Short answer: My personal preference is to fully control your bitcoin on 8/1, ie be in full ownership of the private keys. For more, see:
IAF highlights the historic flooding across Western Japan which has caused 400,000+ people to evacuate today–receiving 16 inches in 4 hours!!–as well as other headlines reinforcing the core IAF message: START GROWING YOUR FOOD TODAY. Crop losses continue, exponentially increasing extreme weather events, and volcanic/seismic activity: many indications that the effects of the Grand Solar Minimum continue to accelerate. (All links below the video.)
Start taking daily steps NOW towards radical self-sufficiency so that you can thrive in the Grand Solar Minimum!
Supporting the MODIFIED LIMITED HANGOUT theory — they couldn’t stop the public from catching on.
I joined Mike from the Morning Daily Events Worldwide to have a great conversation today. Join us as we discuss:
* Increasingly intense (and problematic) weather, as we have reached the hockey stick of climate effects from the Grand Solar Minimum
* Effects of increased cosmic rays (increased cloud cover, seismic activity, volcanism)
* How ‘Global Warming’ is a Luciferian inversion of reality
* Hermetic aspects of these events: as the cycle of empire reaches its bottom on Earth, so too is solar activity reaching its Grand Solar Minimum
* Ideas for growing your own food and becoming self-sufficient so that you can thrive in the Grand Solar Minimum, and everything it brings.
a period during which solar activity diminishes, resulting in drastic climatic and geophysical changes to our planet. These include increased galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), seismic activity, and volcanism; the latter often results in a global reduction in temperatures (see “the year without a summer” — and much more on the IAF wiki).