IAF: A Call to Spread Awareness

IAF issues a sincere call to spread awareness of the Grand Solar Minimum we have entered and the importance of GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD, and, in sharing the message, building stronger, self-sufficient communities to thrive in the times ahead.

“Survival seed packs” do a disservice by implying a sense of food security, when in fact, it is the knowledge of how to grow food, save seeds for next year, and share this knowledge with a growing, self-sufficient community. IAF explores how to meet the most basic of human needs in a bottom-up (individual) model, without the state to provide for you.

Also in this video:

* hill your potatoes at 8-10″ high. potatoes are top of list of calorie-rich food.
* viewing spirulina algae at 1200x

Links visited in video ( via http://twitter.com/IceAgeFarmer ):

* https://www.vencoreweather.com/blog/2…
* https://eos.org/articles/a-volcanic-t…

Part 2, coming soon, will further break down food production. SUBSCRIBE NOW!