Why is the flu reaching record levels according to the CDC, jamming hospitals around the world with patients? Could this have something to do with solar activity? How do Cosmic Rays factor in? Why is the flu vaccine less effective than ever? And what’s with the virus from outer space — is truth really stranger than fiction? Let’s take a look.
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Start moving towards self-sufficiency today. Learn more about the natural cycles dictating these changes, and how to prepare, from the Ice Age Farmer wiki:
* Golden State Silver – 5% off .9999 silver with code “IAF2018”
* flu in us is now the worst since 2009 swine flu
* Japan : The number of infected people is the highest this year,
* Influenza pandemics are correlated with solar activity
* Jon Rappoport reports on Dr. Peter Doshi’s revelation that the vast majority of flu diagnoses are false.
http://www.bmj.com/content/346/bmj.f3037 Flu outbreak across America—really?
* via Wickramasinghe et al 2017: “Sunspot Cycle Minima and Pandemics: The Case for Vigilance?”
* more esoteric mechanisms mechanisms discussed include: cosmogenic (gcr-driven) mutation in ALL cells and virii (cancer up, viral mutation up), and “space bugs” virus/bacteria from space:
Wolf Minimum: Black Plague. Sporer Minimum [English] Sweating Sickness
David DuByne of Adapt 2030 hosts a two-hour roundtable featuring Christian from Ice Age Farmer and Diamond of Oppenheimer Ranch Project. Together, we discuss how the natural cycles of the sun and, as a result, the changing climate on our planet, present very real and immediate challenges. As well, we offer hope by highlighting ideas and philosophies that will help us as we approach the a certain, tumultuous future in the next Grand Solar Minimum.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family to help them understand what’s playing out in the world. A simple link can radically change someone’s life. (Indeed, it has mine.)
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David DuByne / Adapt 2030:
Amid reports of blackouts from subscribers, Christian investigates regional reports from the US energy sector, exploring the effect of recent record cold temperatures resulting from the Grand Solar Minimum on our fragile power grid. As the Grand Solar Minimum intensifies, our infrastructure — from generation through transmission to distribution — is rapidly faltering.
Start moving towards self-sufficiency today. Learn more about the natural cycles dictating these changes, and how to prepare, from the Ice Age Farmer wiki:
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Referenced Video: “Our Grid is Teetering on the Edge” (9/2017):
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Cold Winters Testing Limits of US Grid:
South Carolina (SCE&G):
North Carolina (Duke Energy Carolinas)
Arkansas: (NAEC = North Arkansas Electric Coop)
Missouri / Louisiana: “almost went down on cold”
Texas: grid stayed up because it’s rock solid due to AIR CONDITIONER USE. Look deeper, use was on par with MID AUGUST, which is peak demand on generation,
Florida: similar story:
DC-area : 3 record utilization days
ISO New England:
Fuel Security Study: blackouts to come:
Spot price jumping — this is what happens when assets for which there IS NO SUBSTITUTE — like STAYING WARM, or EATING — experience supply shortages:
And the storm also took out Pilgrim nuke plant:
ISO New England has an “ISO Express”
Excellent coverage of ISO-NE crunch during cold wave from this blogger:
During January cold snap, US withdrew record Nat Gas from storage:
Australia in their heatwave is also experiencing outages;
We spoke already about Germany’s grid being terrible shape.
thermal coal record price — Record Winter demand on generation.
*** related thread — blaming energy prices / grid instability on crypto energy use ? or what is:
and even Wall Street is betting on this thing going down, albeit in their case, betting on grid attack or cyberattack:
Inaugural IAF livestream during the Grammy’s! Christian shares a new SECRET WEAPON for the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM: seed saving. What is the real destruction of wealth over the last century? How could saving seeds mean the difference between abundance and empty cabinets? Watch to learn more.
The changes brought on by the Grand Solar Minimum continue to accelerate, destroying agriculture and human health. Are you prepared for the new reality ahead? How are you taking responsibility for your family’s nutritional sovereignty and healthcare? Let me know — iceagefarmer@gmail.com.
Revolution Radio — Thurs, 2/1 10pm-12am ET
Support my work on Patreon:
* KILL-a-WATT energy monitor:
NEW DISCOUNT Patreon Members — always working to re-earn your support:
CulturesForHealth.com (15% off for IAF patreon supporters):
(more at wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/IAF_Supporters )
* Dr. Anita Bailey: Cold Times: Preparing for the Mini Ice Age
20% off / no shipping offer for IAF viewers:
or via Amazon :: http://amzn.to/2B2WgrU
Trump has unveiled the concept of Global Cooling, continuing the parapolitical shift in narrative away from fraudulent global warming and to the most critical issue facing us: the looming failure of agriculture in the Grand Solar Minimum. Please share this video with others who are just learning about the Grand Solar Minimum.
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Also see: Is GSM Derailing The “Global Warming” Train, Lynchpin of NWO Agenda?
Learn more about the previous cycles: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/History
Trump/Q cannot grow your food. You can. Start now.
LEARN MORE: Revolution Radio — Thurs, 2/1 10pm-12am ET
Support my work on Patreon:
Donald Trump interview with Piers Morgan:
* Golden State Silver – 5% off .9999 silver with code “IAF2018”
* Iron Edison batteries: 5% off – mention Ice Age Farmer!
* Dr. Anita Bailey: Cold Times: Preparing for the Mini Ice Age
20% off / no shipping offer for IAF viewers:
or via Amazon :: http://amzn.to/2B2WgrU
How is good soil like our gut microbiome? A recovering Christian explores this analogy, describing the role of mycorrhizal fungi and nitrifying bacteria in making nutrients bioavailable to your plants! –The changes brought on by the Grand Solar Minimum continue to accelerate, destroying agriculture and human health. Are you prepared for the new reality ahead? How are you taking responsibility for your family’s nutritional sovereignty and healthcare? Let me know — iceagefarmer@gmail.com.
Support my work on Patreon:
* KILL-a-WATT energy monitor:
NEW DISCOUNT Patreon Members — always working to re-earn your support:
CulturesForHealth.com (15% off for IAF patreon supporters):
(more at wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/IAF_Supporters )
* Southern hemisphere: River of hail in South Africa
* 81000+ evacuated now for Mount Mayon
* Golden State Silver – 5% off .9999 silver with code “IAF2018”
* Iron Edison batteries: 5% off – mention Ice Age Farmer!
* Dr. Anita Bailey: Cold Times: Preparing for the Mini Ice Age
20% off / no shipping offer for IAF viewers:
or via Amazon :: http://amzn.to/2B2WgrU
Earthquakes (Chile) and volcanic eruptions (Mayon) herald the arrival of increased Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR), a sign of the lack of activity on our star. Welcome to the Grand Solar Minimum. Christian discusses news, presents analysis of a latest rush of media attention to “Geoengineering”, and shares progress on indoor growing experiments and growing mushrooms.
The changes brought on by the Grand Solar Minimum continue to accelerate, destroying agriculture and human health. Are you prepared for the new reality ahead? How are you taking responsibility for your family’s nutritional sovereignty and healthcare? Let me know — iceagefarmer@gmail.com.
Please consider supporting my work on http://patreon.com/IceAgeFarmer
One time donations: http://paypal.me/IceAgeFarmer
6.3 – 76km S of Putre, Chile
“Strong windstorm leaves 73 000 homes without power in B.C., #Canada” #gsmWind https://watchers.news/2018/01/22/strong-windstorm-leaves-73-000-homes-without-power-in-b-c-canada/
UNPRECEDENTED!! Depth of #Snow in #Sweden sets new record! https://www.thelocal.se/20180122/swedens-snow-depth-sets-new-seasonal-record
#Swiss resorts cut off by heavy snow (footage) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXSRh5jJEcY
Japan’s biggest snowfall in years paralyzes #Tokyo transportation system #globalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum https://www.sott.net/article/374945-Japans-biggest-snowfall-in-years-paralyzes-Tokyo-transportation-system
“5,000 kilometers of roads closed this year due to exceptional snowfall in #Morocco” (30N) http://strangesounds.org/2018/01/morocco-exceptional-snowfall-closes-5000-kilometers-of-roads.html
1m of snow in 24 hrs at Mt. Washington
Aussie Flu killing 100 ppl a week – stay away from the big pharma shots, folks
* US NAVY: high-speed warship USS Little Rock is FROZEN on the shores of Montreal
* Icebreaker on Hudson :: heating oil and other products down river so they can get out to the people
* Dr. Anita Bailey: Cold Times: Preparing for the Mini Ice Age
20% off / no shipping offer for IAF viewers:
or via Amazon :: http://amzn.to/2B2WgrU
Tipped off by a subscriber, Christian locates an industry magazine in UK that confirms fruit & vegetable shortages across Europe due to cold & drought, and resulting price increases. Media coverage of last year’s shortages was legion–why is there ABSOLUTE SILENCE this year? Perhaps because food is the perfect weapon, as history shows, causing social and political unrest when prices rise too quickly. PLEASE share the word about the Grand Solar Minimum with other people, so that they too can prepare.
“Who controls the food supply controls the people.”
-Henry Kissinger
The changes brought on by the Grand Solar Minimum continue to accelerate, destroying agriculture and human health. Are you prepared for the new reality ahead? How are you taking responsibility for your family’s nutritional sovereignty and healthcare? Let me know — iceagefarmer@gmail.com.
Please consider supporting my work on http://patreon.com/IceAgeFarmer
One time donations: http://paypal.me/IceAgeFarmer
2018 UK Industry Newsletter — ONLY MENTION OF IT:
Spanish Growers “Seeing what we feared”:
German Price Increases:
Food is Perfect Weapon — Price Increases lead to Instability & Unrest
Soviet Safeway — Whole Foods acclimating people to sight of empty shelves?
* Golden State Silver – 5% off .9999 silver with code “IAF2018”
* Iron Edison batteries: 5% off – mention Ice Age Farmer!
* Dr. Anita Bailey: Cold Times: Preparing for the Mini Ice Age
20% off / no shipping offer for IAF viewers:
or via Amazon :: http://amzn.to/2B2WgrU
We are experiencing the expected increase in volcanic/seismic activity, as the Grand Solar Minimum results in still increased Galactic Cosmic Rays, and transitively, increased cloud cover, general climate chaos, and resulting crop losses. A Strategy of Tension deploys layered psyops to keep people from focusing on the collapsing ecosystems. Q Anon/Trump cannot grow your food. You can. Start now.
Full show notes on the IAF wiki: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/IAF_Podcast_Episode_30
Please consider supporting my work on http://patreon.com/IceAgeFarmer
One time donations: http://paypal.me/IceAgeFarmer
IAF Wiki references:
Download (mp3):
HISTORY: Lewis & Clarke Exp. Climate Records
Mt Agung erupting in Bali (1/12):
Mt Mayon (1/14, second time this weekend):
Philippines also rattled by ten quakes, growing in strength (1/14):
Costa Rica’s Tenorio earthquake swarms:
Reconnecting to Nature through Spiritual Permaculture: How Russians grow 51% of their food
Dr. Anita Bailey: Cold Times: Preparing for the Mini Ice Age
20% off / no shipping offer for IAF viewers:
or via Amazon :: http://amzn.to/2B2WgrU
Oppenheimer Ranch Project:
Start taking daily steps NOW towards radical self-sufficiency so that you can thrive in the Grand Solar Minimum!
“The poorest nations, already beset by man-made disasters, have been threatened by a natural one: the possibility of climatic changes in the monsoon belt and perhaps throughout the world. The implications for global food and population policies are ominous.” – HENRY KISSINGER
Fish selection for cold aquaponics systems. Medicinal Mushrooms, farming mycelium on brown rice, Agarikon, Chaga, Maitake. The Mucus-less Diet Health System. Much more.
Please consider supporting our work on http://patreon.com/IceAgeFarmer
One time donations: http://paypal.me/IceAgeFarmer
Episode 26 show notes on wiki:
Dr. Anita Bailey, Ph.D _Cold Times: Preparing for the Mini Ice Age_
20% off / no shipping offer for IAF viewers:
or via Amazon :: http://amzn.to/2B2WgrU
Oppenheimer Ranch Project constantly doing great work:
Cold Times: How to Prepare for Next Ice Age by Dr. Anita Bailey, PhD
http://amzn.to/2Ae8zhx ships in time for Christmas
20% off + no shipping:
Thumbnail: the Amanita mushroom, which is special. You’ve seen it before. We all have.
Photo by Florian van Duyn on Unsplash
a period during which solar activity diminishes, resulting in drastic climatic and geophysical changes to our planet. These include increased galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), seismic activity, and volcanism; the latter often results in a global reduction in temperatures (see “the year without a summer” — and much more on the IAF wiki).