Outbreak of new “Marburg” virus–for which there is no cure–and thoughts from a physician. Stories from the frontier. More on herbal tonics; hypothyroidism. Follow up thoughts from farmer in Indiana, Richard. And more.
Full show notes on IAF wiki: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/IAF_Podcast_Episode_20
Thank you to Patreon supporters, who get 10% off at TheAquaponicSource.com !
Crop losses continue, exponentially increasing extreme weather events, and volcanic/seismic activity: many indications that the effects of the Grand Solar Minimum continue to accelerate. START MOVING TOWARDS SELF-SUFFICIENCY TODAY.
Latest Grand Solar Minimum news: Wine production at 50yr low, Storms (Brian, Lan), Puerto Rico grid to be down at least until 1/2018. Crop Focus: Brassica Oleracea.
Crop losses continue, exponentially increasing extreme weather events, and volcanic/seismic activity: many indications that the effects of the Grand Solar Minimum continue to accelerate. START MOVING TOWARDS SELF-SUFFICIENCY TODAY.
Start taking daily steps NOW towards self-sufficiency so that you can thrive in the Grand Solar Minimum.
Latest Grand Solar Minimum news: Trinidad and Tobago, Tinakulu, Plague in Africa and Madagascar, Global Cooling goes mainstream, shares some Daily Steps from folks in the Ice Age Farmer community, and much more.
Full show notes on the wiki: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/IAF_Podcast_Episode_18
Download (mp3):
Start growing your own food today!
Patreon supporters get 10% off at TheAquaponicSource.com !
Crop losses continue, exponentially increasing extreme weather events, and volcanic/seismic activity: many indications that the effects of the Grand Solar Minimum continue to accelerate. START MOVING TOWARDS SELF-SUFFICIENCY TODAY.
Start taking daily steps NOW towards self-sufficiency so that you can thrive in the Grand Solar Minimum.
Today: IAF takes a step back, and starts from the beginning: the philosophies of organic/biodynamic/no-till farming begin with good soil husbandry. Natural
cycles. Updates on crop losses in Norway, Germany, Indiana.
BOOK of the DAY: The Self-Sufficient Gardener (John Seymore, 1980)
$16 — http://amzn.to/2ioLX9E
ITEM of the DAY: Grodan 1″ cubes, used for aquaponic/hydroponic starts:
$16 — http://amzn.to/2w4kddA
Show notes on wiki: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/index.php?title=IAF_Podcast_Episode_11
3. Special: Intro to Self Sufficient Gardening: Natural Cycles and Soil – 12:43
SIX RULES of organic philosophy according to John Seymour’s 1980 “Self Sufficient Gardener”:
1. Work with, not against, nature.
2. Nature is diverse; so too must we practice diversity.
3. Must husband other forms of life in environments as close as possible to those in which that life evolved.
4. Must return to the soil as much as we remove/harvest from it (law of conservation I’d energy at work)
5. Feed the soil, not the plant
6.must observe nature as a whole, never any single part of it.
4. Community Feedback 38:36
– addition to the potato towers / tires in garden
added to: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Tires
– note on plague
– wood gasifier
added to: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/Wood_Gasifier
Send your questions, suggestions, ground reports to iceagefarmer@gmail.com
5. Grand Solar Minimum News 43:52
“Worst flood South Asia has seen in decades.” 24 Million affected by flood now
Fungus making leaves change/drop, even in August
(if it IS a fungus, this is an effect of the wet summer, thanks to GSM.
if it’s not, then the leaves are changing/dropping too early, fall coming soon.
either way, this is due to the changes in the sun’s output, and concerning).
Norway’s farmers’ harvests PITIFUL
Just as David Dilley described, cooling/warming start from the poles, moves inward.
Makes sense to see it there first, although:
Gerd and Olaf have been farmers for almost 40 years. They have never experienced a worse summer.
“The animals do not want to go into this shit either,” says Olaf. “And if they go, their teats get dirty, and then milk quality can be a problem.”
Plant Hardiness maps (via Bob Felix, iceagenow.info):
Straight from the USDA’s mouth, zones are shifting — it’s getting colder.
Popocatepetl volcato erupts during Solar Eclipse
Translation of article on Solar Grand Minimum we’re experiencing:
Other headlines, not covered in Podcast (focus on solutions):
record cold in Russia,
the snowfalls in Canada (not at elevation),
noctilucent clouds over England
— these and MANY, MANY more, twitter.com/IceAgeFarmer
6. Crop Focus: Peas (47:53)
Nitrogen-fixing, great for microgreens, super easy to grow to seed.
a period during which solar activity diminishes, resulting in drastic climatic and geophysical changes to our planet. These include increased galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), seismic activity, and volcanism; the latter often results in a global reduction in temperatures (see “the year without a summer” — and much more on the IAF wiki).