David DuByne of Adapt 2030 hosts a two-hour roundtable featuring Christian from Ice Age Farmer and Diamond of Oppenheimer Ranch Project. Together, we discuss how the natural cycles of the sun and, as a result, the changing climate on our planet, present very real and immediate challenges. As well, we offer hope by highlighting ideas and philosophies that will help us as we approach the a certain, tumultuous future in the next Grand Solar Minimum.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family to help them understand what’s playing out in the world. A simple link can radically change someone’s life. (Indeed, it has mine.)
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David DuByne / Adapt 2030:
We are experiencing the expected increase in volcanic/seismic activity, as the Grand Solar Minimum results in still increased Galactic Cosmic Rays, and transitively, increased cloud cover, general climate chaos, and resulting crop losses. A Strategy of Tension deploys layered psyops to keep people from focusing on the collapsing ecosystems. Q Anon/Trump cannot grow your food. You can. Start now.
Full show notes on the IAF wiki: http://wiki.iceagefarmer.com/wiki/IAF_Podcast_Episode_30
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IAF Wiki references:
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HISTORY: Lewis & Clarke Exp. Climate Records
Mt Agung erupting in Bali (1/12):
Mt Mayon (1/14, second time this weekend):
Philippines also rattled by ten quakes, growing in strength (1/14):
Costa Rica’s Tenorio earthquake swarms:
Reconnecting to Nature through Spiritual Permaculture: How Russians grow 51% of their food
Dr. Anita Bailey: Cold Times: Preparing for the Mini Ice Age
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Oppenheimer Ranch Project:
Start taking daily steps NOW towards radical self-sufficiency so that you can thrive in the Grand Solar Minimum!
a period during which solar activity diminishes, resulting in drastic climatic and geophysical changes to our planet. These include increased galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), seismic activity, and volcanism; the latter often results in a global reduction in temperatures (see “the year without a summer” — and much more on the IAF wiki).